Email consultation
Emailconsultation. You can also ask for an email consultation. In your own time asking the questions and get the answers on paper. Sometimes an online chat doesn't work out. Or you may find an online chat confrontational. Then psychic Eddie offers you the option for a consultation via email.
How does an email consultation work
Requesting an eEconsultation is very easy. You first create a free account. Then choose one of the spiritual advisors on this page. They offer an email consultation. The next step is to ask your questions. Please also include names and dates of birth with your questions. You can add a photo for clarification. That can be done for free. The steps are summarized below.
- Register by "Free registration"
- Buy credits for € 25,-
- Choose one of the consultants on this page
- Time to ask your questions and send pictures for free, if you want
- Don't forget names en birth
- Send your questions
- Within 2 days you find the answers in your account of Psychic Eddie
What are the advantages of an e-consultation
The medium does not have to be online. So you determine the time completely yourself. For € 25,- you get a very extensive reading. With more than just answers to your questions. Because our mediums also provide insights in their reading. This will provide a picture of how you ended up in this situation. and receive tools for a better and more pleasant future. You can read the answers as often as you like. To let this sink in properly.
When you have received the answers
Really take the time to let everything sink in. Our spiritual counselors write with depth. That really requires reading the text several times. Because you will see that you will always get something new out of it. You can always consult the medium via chat. You see, an e-consultation really has advantages.From which psychic do you wish an email consultation?